Thursday, November 14, 2013
Finding time to learn for a teacher
It amazes me how much we expect from teachers. Sitting here and looking at the life of a teacher from the eyes of a teacher and a parent I see so much. As a parent I unfortunately forget about my teacher eyes and forget how busy teachers are on a daily basis. As a teacher I wonder how in the world do we all stay sane? Testing, behaviors, planning, teaching and throw in learning because a teacher should never stop learning!
Now, as a technology coach for teachers I have established a new goal for myself - how can I make learning something that isn't a task for teachers? Teachers have a hard time finding "free time" to spend learning new tools. I've tried e-mailing teachers - what teacher actually has time to sit and read an e-mail that isn't at the top of their list (top of the lists would be parents, principals and other administration).
There are so many tools available to teachers but many don't have the time to sit down and look for these tools. Watch this blog for fun and easy to learn digital tools that you can use in your classroom.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
My Presentation Blog Post from EVSC ICATS Website
In the techie world we live in, there are endless possibilities to what teachers and students can do to liven up a presentation! Today, I would like to share with you Blendspace.
Blendspace is an online presentation application, formerly known as Edcanvas. I personally love the new name because it really describes what a user can do - blend different things together to make a very creative presentation.
Create an Account
You will first want to create an account.
- Go to
- Click on the blue Sign Up button
- Who are you?
- Choose I'm a Teacher
- Follow the steps to creating your account
Now you are ready to start. If you plan to use this as a classroom tool you can setup classes on your account and pass the class code out to students. Once you have successfully created your account and logged in you should see a screen similar to this:
Create a Class
To create a class - just click on Classes. You will then see:
Choose the grade level and name your class. Once the class is created you will receive a class code to give to your students. Students will create their accounts exactly like you but they will choose I'm a student and when prompted will enter your class code.
Now that you have all the "business" out of the way you can start creating lessons. Blendspace calls all the creations lessons. These lessons can be created in your account and also shared with specific classes that you have created.
** When students are creating a lesson for your class, make sure they select the class when the first begin creating. **
Create a Lesson
Let's walk through creating a lesson and all the features of Blendspace.
Click on New Lesson - the next window will be
The parts of a Blendspace lesson:
- Templates: There are five templates to choose from
- Themes: Two color themes. The only color that changes is the color behind each section heading. (Dark or colors)
- Play: This is the feature you will use will presenting your Blendspace lesson.
- Print: If you choose to print your lesson.
To search for what you are looking for, first select what you want to insert (example - YouTube), then type in a search word. I am creating a Blendspace lesson on Halloween so I searched Halloween kids songs.
Now I just simply click on the video I want (I can preview it right in the search box before using it, too) and drag it to the spot I want to place it.
*** To add additional rows to your lesson, click on Add Row underneath the lesson template:
Share Your Lesson
Now - once you have gotten everything you want placed onto your Blendspace lesson it is time to share it. If you created it for your class you will share as follows:
Click on Share in the top right corner and a new window will pop up.
For your class - click on the class you want to share it with.
For others - you can share via Edmodo, Facebook, Twitter, email, grab an embed code for your blog or website or share the QR code with anyone!
Happy Blending!!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship: using electronic technology responsibly.
What does this mean to us as adults? It doesn't just mean to teach this to young people but it also means practice it. This takes us WAY back to the old saying, "Practice what you Preach!"
As a technology coach I work with our team to help develop resources to enforce the importance of good digital citizenship for students. As a parent, it is also my responsibility to reinforce these types of lessons at home AND to demonstrate the same.
Recently I noticed a post on Facebook, actually many times but this time it hit home more, that shot negative accusations at an individual. To me, this is not setting a good example for the children involved and it is also promoting that showing disrespect for this adult is okay. How do adults expect children to learn appropriate ways to handle difficult situations if they can't themselves.
Okay, so I am on a rant I suppose. It is so important for us to always remember a few simple things when using electronic technology:
What does this mean to us as adults? It doesn't just mean to teach this to young people but it also means practice it. This takes us WAY back to the old saying, "Practice what you Preach!"
As a technology coach I work with our team to help develop resources to enforce the importance of good digital citizenship for students. As a parent, it is also my responsibility to reinforce these types of lessons at home AND to demonstrate the same.
Recently I noticed a post on Facebook, actually many times but this time it hit home more, that shot negative accusations at an individual. To me, this is not setting a good example for the children involved and it is also promoting that showing disrespect for this adult is okay. How do adults expect children to learn appropriate ways to handle difficult situations if they can't themselves.
Okay, so I am on a rant I suppose. It is so important for us to always remember a few simple things when using electronic technology:
- be respectful
- online outlets are not the way to solve conflicts, talking it over is always the best
- be truthful
- don't say anything unless you know all the facts to back up what you are saying
- people are the users of technology
- people have feelings
- technology does not have feelings
Let's make it a point to practice what we preach - lead a good example for our children. Don't use electronic technology to hide behind your emotions.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
The Cloud
"The Cloud" is a phrase that is used quite often in today's tech world but what does it really mean? When I think of a cloud the image of a white fluffy object comes to my mind. A real cloud is something out in the sky and it really is full of something. A tech cloud is full of information that you or another user has created. The tech cloud gives an individual mobility, the ability to collaborate and frees up space on your actual computing device.
Cloud applications can be split into categories:
Cloud applications can be split into categories:
- storage & share
- Dropbox
- Flickr
- Picasa
- create, collaborate, store and share
- Presentation Applications
- Google Apps/Drive
- Zoho Show
- Prezi
- Educanvas
- Glogster
- Animoto
- Present.Me
- Voice Thread
- Word processing/Spreadsheets
- Google Apps/Drive
- Zoho Show
- SkyDrive
I'm sure there are plenty of other applications out there, these are just some that I am personally familiar with and have used frequently.
Before you make the decision to move to a cloud based storage system - think about what it is you are wanting to create/store. Is it highly confidential information? The cons of cloud based storage/creation is the fact that you aren't 100% sure of the security level. In my field of work - cloud based applications work great. It allows me to create something from any device that I used and from anywhere I have an Internet connection. Another con - you rely on the availability of the Internet. As with any technological tool - you will probably run into technical difficulties on occasion.
Please watch my blog for posts that focus on the individual applications mentioned above!
Monday, July 8, 2013
It takes two to tango
Did you ever hear the phrase, "It takes two to tango?" Well - it might take 3 or 4 when working on a powerful presentation! I don't mean 3 or 4 people, although two heads are better than one, but I mean put multiple tools to work to create one Powerful Presentation!
I will be presenting "Blending Applications" this week at the eRev conference in Evansville, IN.
I will be presenting "Blending Applications" this week at the eRev conference in Evansville, IN.
I am excited to share my ideas of how you can take a simple blog and add video, audio, images and much more - stay tuned for more details! In the meantime try to create a
Getting ready for the week
This week is full of teaching, conference and presentations. I will be teaching Intro to PowerPoint tomorrow
Introtopowerpoint from jengossman
As I continue to finalize my presentations I will be posting them here as well! Have a great week!
As I continue to finalize my presentations I will be posting them here as well! Have a great week!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Edcanvas - digital poster
You first want to sign up for an account at They have a free version and there is also a paid version. The paid version is marked down to $3.00/month for a limited time - a $5.00 discount off their regular rates. In the paid version you can record audio and collaborate:
There are a few things to take care of first. If you plan to use this with your class you will need to establish that first. So, after logging in - just click on Classes:
In the Classes section you will choose your grade level and name your class. After that you will be given a class code (similar to the Edmodo setup). This class code is what you give your students so when they create their accounts they can join your class!
When your students create their account they will choose Student instead of teacher. It will ask for the class code.
The Play feature is for when your canvas is complete. Also notice you can add a row at the bottom to make your canvas bigger.
Now that the basics are out of the way - how do you add content? Easy as pie!
On the right of your screen you will see
. You simply choose the content style you want (YouTube, Google, Flickr, Website, etc) and search from within Edcanvas. I'm going to search the Internet for the Fourth of July images (appropriate theme this week!). I will click the G (Google Search) and type in Fourth of July.
Now I will choose an image, drag it and drop it onto my canvas! EASY! If I want to put a website on a tile I need to know the website first, then click on the globe and type the website (or paste) into the box.
Just like the image - I click, drag and drop. I can add my own text or even create a quiz! 
When I am finished I simply share, or play, with whoever I want to view it! The wonderful developers at Edcanvas give us several ways to share:
Friday, June 21, 2013
ISTE 2013 Here I come!
In 24 hours I will be on a plane heading to San Antonio, TX! This will be my 4th ISTE conference and I have to say that I am more excited this year than I have ever been! I have an action packed few days.
Anyone that follows my blog and will be attending ISTE - don't miss the SIG Fair on Sunday! I will be at the SIGMS table with some amazing women! I have worked with these women virtually for over a year and I finally get to meet them face to face - how exciting!
This will also be my first time to be a presenter at ISTE - I have a BYOD session called Presentation 2.0. Once my presentation is finished I will post all information here for those who didn't get to attend!
San Antonio - watch out. There will be thousands of ed tech people swarming the Riverwalk! Safe travels everyone!
Anyone that follows my blog and will be attending ISTE - don't miss the SIG Fair on Sunday! I will be at the SIGMS table with some amazing women! I have worked with these women virtually for over a year and I finally get to meet them face to face - how exciting!
This will also be my first time to be a presenter at ISTE - I have a BYOD session called Presentation 2.0. Once my presentation is finished I will post all information here for those who didn't get to attend!
San Antonio - watch out. There will be thousands of ed tech people swarming the Riverwalk! Safe travels everyone!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The past few days have brought quite a but of excitement for me. I was asked to develop a new curriculum for a local university and have gotten several great opportunities through ISTE 2013! I am so excited for the conference this year. It is my first year to present for them so not only am I excited but nervous.
I am still waiting to hear about two opportunities I have applied for. The waiting is torture? I have wanted to to attend the Google Teacher Academy for years. I was finally able to apply, let's hope all works out.
I was also contacted by a developer to meet and discuss their new product, Edcanvas. I will be meeting with her at ISTE and have already checked out the program. It is very similar to Glogster and I can already tell it is much easier to work with. Look for my upcoming blog that will go into further detail on Edcanvas.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Summer is Here!
For most teachers and students it is summer break already. Unfortunately (maybe) for my two youngest they are still in school. My son will be graduating 8th grade one week from today. That means - next Thursday I will officially have two in high school and a 7th grader.
Now - I am supposed to be on summer break, too. However, I am continuing to work on many projects. (I have two conferences to prepare for.) The most rewarding project of all is my son's 8th grade graduation video. The parents of our class have trusted me to make this video. Most of these kids have been together since kindergarten. My son and his three best friends have been together much longer. Ryan met these three boys when he was 3 years old. This is quite an emotional time for me and for them because they will be going in different directions; two to one high school, two to another (each together though). These boys have been through alot. When they were 5 one of the boys lost their mother to breast cancer. Although sad it does put a special bond between the four of them that I think we last a lifetime; even though they are highly competitive and have definitely had their arguments.
I'm so thankful I am able to put my technology training to work for these special kids - using iMovie! Trust me, I have hundreds and hundreds of pictures of them to put in. The hardest part is making two movies. One has to be a shorten version to be viewed during graduation Mass - the other, well, it may take us all night to watch. Like I said - the class has been together a long time; but these four boys have been together even longer. They have played every sport together with their dads coaching most.
Not only has my son made lifelong friends but I have to with their parents. I'm going to share the movie I made for their graduation Mass (none of the parents know about my blog so I know they won't see this! haha). I hope you will see their bond through this video! I can't wait to finish the extended version because I have some amazing pictures. The four boys that have been together the longest - well, three of them have 2 sisters and one has 1 sister - and all the sisters dance or did dance! Talk about some good pictures!
Now - I am supposed to be on summer break, too. However, I am continuing to work on many projects. (I have two conferences to prepare for.) The most rewarding project of all is my son's 8th grade graduation video. The parents of our class have trusted me to make this video. Most of these kids have been together since kindergarten. My son and his three best friends have been together much longer. Ryan met these three boys when he was 3 years old. This is quite an emotional time for me and for them because they will be going in different directions; two to one high school, two to another (each together though). These boys have been through alot. When they were 5 one of the boys lost their mother to breast cancer. Although sad it does put a special bond between the four of them that I think we last a lifetime; even though they are highly competitive and have definitely had their arguments.
I'm so thankful I am able to put my technology training to work for these special kids - using iMovie! Trust me, I have hundreds and hundreds of pictures of them to put in. The hardest part is making two movies. One has to be a shorten version to be viewed during graduation Mass - the other, well, it may take us all night to watch. Like I said - the class has been together a long time; but these four boys have been together even longer. They have played every sport together with their dads coaching most.
Not only has my son made lifelong friends but I have to with their parents. I'm going to share the movie I made for their graduation Mass (none of the parents know about my blog so I know they won't see this! haha). I hope you will see their bond through this video! I can't wait to finish the extended version because I have some amazing pictures. The four boys that have been together the longest - well, three of them have 2 sisters and one has 1 sister - and all the sisters dance or did dance! Talk about some good pictures!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Beginner Blogger
It is probably obvious that I am new to this blogging thing. I have read others' blogs and learned alot of valuable information. When I read other blogs I think to myself how I would love to be able to share such insight on important topics and how awesome it would be to get a huge following. So, that is the challenge I set for myself. How can I inspire other people through my writing? How can I gather a group of followers? Let's see if I can do it!
A few years ago I went back to school to become a teacher. I have always been passionate about technology. After all, I originally wanted to be a computer programmer! Any programmers out there? You know we are a special group of people! The countless hours of writing programs - you definitely have to love what you are doing to do the job. That is quite similar to teaching. At least IT jobs have a nice pay scale, unlike teaching.
Anyway, I already had my B.S. degree so I basically just took additional courses (which should have given me an additional B.S. degree but I won't complain) that enabled me to take the licensing test and receive my Indiana teaching license. Shortly after that I was hired to teach none other than technology! What a perfect classroom for an old computer geek (I quickly was labeled this after taking this job) I love to take apart computers and work on them but I also love to find ways to inspire the students to put the technology to use to help them in an academic setting.
It is apparent that I have a love for both technology and teaching. While reading a coworker's blog this morning I realized that because of my passion the roadblocks of our standardized testing didn't frazzle me. I look at it as a challenge, not a problem. I agree with my colleague, Jeff Tron, that standardized tests are for the birds. I have always despised them personally. I have been lucky enough to have 2 our of my 3 children not inherit my strong dislike for these tests. They don't seem to have the test anxiety that I and my youngest child have. However, since there are those individuals that suffer from severe test anxiety this week has been even harder. The state of Indiana requires all students in grades 3-8 to take a state level standardized test each year (ISTEP). This test is supposed to tell us how much a student knows and how well their teacher taught! What a strange way to gauge these things. Some schools began the online testing on Monday of this week, only to be told by the state superintendent to suspend testing. Then, we gave it a try on Tuesday - a little better but the same outcome, suspend testing. Today we were given the green light to begin testing again. Great, right? No - we could test but it was suggested that we reduce the number of testing subjects by 1/2 - 50%!! Do they not realize the stress this puts on the students, teachers, and techs? What about schools that are K-8, how are they supposed to get all the testing done in their allotted time?
I am finding myself fielding complaints from non tech people of how they knew this would happen because technology is not reliable. This from people that can't live without their iPhones, iPads and other devices. They like it when it works but when it doesn't it is a see, I told you so.
Testing has concluded for today in our district for most. All went well. Obviously it went well, only 1/2 of the population that should be testing were actually participating. So, CTB did not fix any issue. They just found a band aid for the problem, a temporary fix. I guess tomorrow another group will get to test and hopefully that will go well. The state has paid CTB a very large amount of money for uninterrupted service during testing - don't you think we are entitled to a refund?
Happy testing - as happy as testing can be. Instead of everyone complaining, the people that aren't even taking or administering the test, let's think about the students that have had their week turned upside down by this series of events. How do you think they are feeling? Frazzled & confused.
A few years ago I went back to school to become a teacher. I have always been passionate about technology. After all, I originally wanted to be a computer programmer! Any programmers out there? You know we are a special group of people! The countless hours of writing programs - you definitely have to love what you are doing to do the job. That is quite similar to teaching. At least IT jobs have a nice pay scale, unlike teaching.
Anyway, I already had my B.S. degree so I basically just took additional courses (which should have given me an additional B.S. degree but I won't complain) that enabled me to take the licensing test and receive my Indiana teaching license. Shortly after that I was hired to teach none other than technology! What a perfect classroom for an old computer geek (I quickly was labeled this after taking this job) I love to take apart computers and work on them but I also love to find ways to inspire the students to put the technology to use to help them in an academic setting.
It is apparent that I have a love for both technology and teaching. While reading a coworker's blog this morning I realized that because of my passion the roadblocks of our standardized testing didn't frazzle me. I look at it as a challenge, not a problem. I agree with my colleague, Jeff Tron, that standardized tests are for the birds. I have always despised them personally. I have been lucky enough to have 2 our of my 3 children not inherit my strong dislike for these tests. They don't seem to have the test anxiety that I and my youngest child have. However, since there are those individuals that suffer from severe test anxiety this week has been even harder. The state of Indiana requires all students in grades 3-8 to take a state level standardized test each year (ISTEP). This test is supposed to tell us how much a student knows and how well their teacher taught! What a strange way to gauge these things. Some schools began the online testing on Monday of this week, only to be told by the state superintendent to suspend testing. Then, we gave it a try on Tuesday - a little better but the same outcome, suspend testing. Today we were given the green light to begin testing again. Great, right? No - we could test but it was suggested that we reduce the number of testing subjects by 1/2 - 50%!! Do they not realize the stress this puts on the students, teachers, and techs? What about schools that are K-8, how are they supposed to get all the testing done in their allotted time?
I am finding myself fielding complaints from non tech people of how they knew this would happen because technology is not reliable. This from people that can't live without their iPhones, iPads and other devices. They like it when it works but when it doesn't it is a see, I told you so.
Testing has concluded for today in our district for most. All went well. Obviously it went well, only 1/2 of the population that should be testing were actually participating. So, CTB did not fix any issue. They just found a band aid for the problem, a temporary fix. I guess tomorrow another group will get to test and hopefully that will go well. The state has paid CTB a very large amount of money for uninterrupted service during testing - don't you think we are entitled to a refund?
Happy testing - as happy as testing can be. Instead of everyone complaining, the people that aren't even taking or administering the test, let's think about the students that have had their week turned upside down by this series of events. How do you think they are feeling? Frazzled & confused.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Take time to Learn
Ten for Tech - Take 10 minutes out of your day or even just your week to look at a new application that you can put to use in your classroom or with your PLN. To help you get started I'll give you some ideas to try:
- Prezi
- Glogster
- Google Apps
- Twitter - yes --- give it a try!
- Pinterest (always fun stuff on here)
Introduce yourself to a new tool but don't stress out about mastering it. Just sign up and look around. How does it feel? Do you think it is easy to navigate around? Do you think it is eye catching (this is what excites students)? How do you feel about it?
I will be using this blog to give a more in depth look at some Web 2.0 presentation tools over the next few weeks. Watch for my reviews and tutorials - you might find something you like!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Flipped PD
Over the past couple of years educators have been hearing about the flipped classroom. The concept of the flipped classroom is to allow students more time to actually work through lessons with their teacher close by. Teachers prepare their lessons prior to class meeting times. Students can view/listen to these lessons prior to coming to class. Some teachers make their lessons available online while others create DVDs for their students. Either way, the lessons are available prior to the class as well as after the class for refreshing their minds.
We have teachers and we have technology coordinators. In most cases it is the tech coordinator's responsibility that their teachers have the resources and the knowledge to implement a more technological classroom. The challenge comes down to how to inspire and educate the teachers. A teacher's day is filled to the rim already with lesson plans, extra duties and teaching. When the school day ends teachers then sit down and work on more lesson plans, grading more papers, helping with after school activities and also trying to have a life outside of the school. It is an overwhelming job. When high school graduates enter the college world and decide to become a teacher - they have no idea how much work and how tiring it can be. All at the same time it is just as rewarding, if not more.
We are seeing the shift in education to provide more options for our students. It all rolls back to differentiated instruction, make your lesson work for everyone in your classroom. Why can't we do this for educators? Teachers have very limited time to attend conferences and sit through daily workshops. A person can only learn so much during a 40 minute plan period dedicated to professional development. Here is where flipped professional development comes into play. It is all over the Internet, webinars for many different applications and technology integration. Take time to find your own comfortable learning style. If you can learn more from listening in on a webinar then do that instead of taking an entire day away from students and your classes.
The flipped classroom, was it introduced because of flipped professional development or should that statement be flipped?
We have teachers and we have technology coordinators. In most cases it is the tech coordinator's responsibility that their teachers have the resources and the knowledge to implement a more technological classroom. The challenge comes down to how to inspire and educate the teachers. A teacher's day is filled to the rim already with lesson plans, extra duties and teaching. When the school day ends teachers then sit down and work on more lesson plans, grading more papers, helping with after school activities and also trying to have a life outside of the school. It is an overwhelming job. When high school graduates enter the college world and decide to become a teacher - they have no idea how much work and how tiring it can be. All at the same time it is just as rewarding, if not more.
We are seeing the shift in education to provide more options for our students. It all rolls back to differentiated instruction, make your lesson work for everyone in your classroom. Why can't we do this for educators? Teachers have very limited time to attend conferences and sit through daily workshops. A person can only learn so much during a 40 minute plan period dedicated to professional development. Here is where flipped professional development comes into play. It is all over the Internet, webinars for many different applications and technology integration. Take time to find your own comfortable learning style. If you can learn more from listening in on a webinar then do that instead of taking an entire day away from students and your classes.
The flipped classroom, was it introduced because of flipped professional development or should that statement be flipped?
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